Domiciliary Support – Supported Living

Within our Domiciliary Support Service, we offer support to individuals in their own home. Our support service is tailored to meet individual needs ranging from several hours of support each week to a full 24/7 hours of support depending on identified needs.

At Highbury Support Services we provide support within the community to individuals with a variety of identified needs, to include a learning disability, physical disability or mental health needs. We provide support services to both the Private, and Public Sector, via Social Services. At present Highbury Support Services provides support to more than 70 individuals, however, this changes frequently.

It is the aim of Highbury Support Services to deliver a service of personal care, social support and associated domestic services, to meet the needs and outcomes of individuals within their own (home) environment.

To meet the needs of the individuals, Highbury Support Services will strive to deliver the following objectives:

  • To deliver a service of the highest quality that will improve and sustain the individual’s overall quality of life, promoting potential independence and outcome achievement.
  • To ensure that the service is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a non-discriminatory manner while respecting each Individual’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment, and the right to make informed choices and to be involved in positive risk taking
  • To ensure that each individual’s needs and values are respected in matters of religion, culture, race or ethnic origin, sexuality and sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, parenthood and disabilities or impairments.
  • To ensure that the service in whole is delivered in accordance with the Guide to the Service and personal plans.
  • To manage and implement a formal programme of staff planning, selection, recruitment, training, and personal development to enable individual needs to be met.
  • To match the nominated Support Worker as closely as possible with the supported individual and respecting the need to change the Support Worker in the event of subsequent non-compatibility.
  • To manage the Company efficiently and effectively to make best use of resources and to maximise value for money for the Purchaser / Supported Individual.
  • To undertake an Initial Outcome Assessment, develop a Personal Plan and complete all Risk Assessments.  Such Risk Assessments will reflect positive risk taking.
  • To ensure that all supported Individuals receive written information on Highbury Support Services, Procedures for Handling Complaints, Comments and Compliments, and how to use it.